Re: RE: Is this me or yahoo?

Evening all,


Seeing as how Rich and his Squirrel didn't have the problem, I can confirm
that Thunderbird displays all these "broken" emails correctly.

Must be an Outlook problem?

I email reports regularly from PL/SQL. In one of my older ones where I
explicitly dump the HTML, I have this lovely code:

-- Note that this next line will be stripped out by either Exchange or
content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />'||utl_tcp.crlf);

I wonder if Wahoo altered their headers on emails to something that
Exchange/Outlook now strips, thus causing the problem. I (very) briefly
compared the headers between an email from today and one from last week.
The one from today did have at least two new header records, but just for
threading. No time to check out the rest right now!

Rich -- [TeamT]

Disclaimer: May flowers??!? We're stuck in May showers!

the wireshark operators left muddy footprints to follow

Holmes…get my magnifying lens…i’m onto something!

Martin Gainty

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well our community coordinator who is responsible for the Yahoo mirroring with the Quest community boards said that although he didn’t change anything, he did ‘do something which may resolve it - let me know’ - not sure what that was, or if it was even on Quest’s side since someone said they were seeing it in other Yahoo boards, but - I don’t see it happening anymore. If it’s resolved, it could be coincidence. or not.

No problem here, but I’m using gmail as you can see in my email address.


Morning Mark,

If it's resolved, it could be
coincidence. or not.

it is most definitely resolved. Thanks.

Norm. [TeamT]

Norman Dunbar
Contract Senior Oracle DBA
CIS Engineering Services
Internal : 7 28 2051
External : 0113 231 2051

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