In the Schema Browser, when looking at the contents of a table, there is a Read Only checkbox. Is there a way to have this checked by default?
I know in options there is a way to default to read only queries, so when I need to make a quick edited it requires going back into Options to disable the setting and then it needs to be re-enabled after the commit. The checkbox at the top of data grid is much faster.
I use read only queries by default. The box is not checked and checking (or un-checking) the box does not update the query, as it should (remove rowid for read only query, add it for read write query). Please correct operation of this check box.
Thanks John,
How do I get the check or un-check to stick? Looks the same error in beta, check or un-check have no change to the query. I've checked Read-Only and tried both refresh right buttons, Query still contains ROWID, What am I missing?
The checkbox doesn’t change the query. It just makes the grid read-only or read-write.
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