Is there an option to control the name of the directory where Toad puts the schema objects when using the Generate Schema Scripts from the Database -> Export function?
In version 12.12 the schema directory was created with only the schema name, so the objects for the SCOTT schema would be created in something like C:\TEMP\ORCL1\SCOTT. In 13.0 that behavior has changed and the database name is appended to the schema name, looks something like C:\TEMP\ORCL1\SCOTT@ORCL1.
Is there anyway to tell Toad for Oracle to not add the @ORCL1 after the schema name?
Thanks and have a great weekend…
Hi John D!
In Toad 13, no, but in the beta this behaves better. In the beta…
If only one schema is being extracted, the SCHEMA@DB folder is NOT is automatically appended to the “Top level directory”. We’ll put the directories for each object type directly under whatever object type you specify.
If multiple schemas are being extracted, and all schemas are in the same DB, we’ll add a subfolder, and then put the object type folders under that.
If multiple schemas are being extracted, and schemas are in different DBs, we’ll add a schema@db subfolder, and then put the object type folders under that.
And if you want it to add SCHEMA or SCHEMA@DB subfolders when it might not normally do that, you can add either or SCHEMA@DB to the path and Toad will swap that out. (You can rt-click in the edit box to that to the path).
Thanks for the update, I will probably wait for the beta to go live and then give this a try.