Report from IT that newest Toad Data Point is difficult to install

Here is the report I just received from our IT:

fyi: The latest Toad installer is continuing to be difficult. So far I've been able to use the MSI based installer if I handle all the pre-reqs. I figured you'd like to know after all the trouble we had installing it last time on your machine.

Installer located at: \\LocalInstallers\Toad. There are two Toad installers. One is the .exe and the other the .msi. So far I've tried on two machines and the .exe has failed each time.

Steps for the .msi:

Install both of the VC_redist files (reboot if needed) - the installer will tell you
Then install Toad - have to right-click to tell it to install as Administrator or elevated. It will fail if you don't.

Does anyone have any sage advice that I could pass along?

Have you taken this to Quest's Support group?

Not yet; would that be worthwhile?

For sure...

  1. They can document the issue
  2. They may have seen this before
  3. They may have documented a work-around

In any case, it starts a ball rolling to have one of the Dev team members take a deeper look into the issue if needed.

Create a support request here.

Hi Aaron - just to backup Gary here, as someone from the R&D team who works on this product, I can assure you that every defect is logged, will be subject to review and we will endeavor to improve our software as best we can over time.

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Thanks, @bojan.petrovic. It looks like the .msi for version 6.1 is able to install fine as long as prereqs are met. the .exe silently failed on 3 systems, which isn't terribly informative. Our agency computers have the following filters, which our local IT is prevented from disabling:

  • Microsoft Defender - enforced
  • Carbon Black App Control Agent – It is not in enforcing mode.
    Additional details can be found in the case log (Case Number: 02180688).
    Hope you can find something in there that can help you :grinning: