Schema Browser, Tree Mode - Auto expand certain nodes to first level

Can you add an option to auto expand "Logon Schema" node in the Schema Browser tree to the first level (objects), or perhaps auto expand certain nodes to first level? I know it's a trivial thing, but I work on multiple instances with many many schemas and having to always expand that node time and time again gets beyond tedious.

Hi Paul,

Treeview is like that - lots of clicking and scrolling! I don't get why some people prefer it. You should try drop-down mode! :smiley:

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Yes, I think we can do that.

I like dropdown mode too, but once you select an item, say a given table, you lose the overview (all table info such as as tablespace, last analysed, num of rows etc.) and there appears to be no way to get it back, same with the tabbed mode. A large oversight to me. With the tree, you can click the Tables parent node and you get it back. Plus once you expand the tree, flicking between items is less clicks, and you get the extra count info.

Hi Paul.

once you select an item, say a given table, you lose the overview...and there appears to be no way to get it back

An easy way to get that info back would be to briefly select more than one table in the LHS.

A large oversight to me.

If you feel like I missed an opportunity here, I'm open to suggestions on another way to show this info in dropdown/tabbed mode.

Plus once you expand the tree, flicking between items is less clicks, and you get the extra count info.

Ah, yeah that's a plus for treeview.


An easy way to get that info back would be to briefly select more than one table in the LHS.

Yes, but only shows info on the selected items, I'd have to select all for the complete overview. Perhaps you could add a speedbutton for "All", so that it loses focus on a given table and resorts back to the mode when you first open it?

Could you add the counts to the dropdown list, once one of the DB object categories is selected? So I select "Tables" and it becomes "Tables (1967)"?

Perhaps you could add a speedbutton for "All", so that it loses focus on a given table and resorts back to the mode when you first open it?

Well, there is CTRL+A, will that work?

Could you add the counts to the dropdown list, once one of the DB object categories is selected? So I select "Tables" and it becomes "Tables (1967)"?

Maybe. I'll play with that today.

Well, there is CTRL+A, will that work?

True indeed, but it's the old efficiency beast complaint of more mouse <-> keyboard switching, as there isn't a "Select All" in the context menu.

Just call me fussy.... :wink:

Do you mean row counts on the individual tables? If so, right click the header of the drop down panel, then tick Num Rows. That adds a column to the drop down with the number of rows in each table next to the table name.


Norm. [TeamT]

Thanks, I didn't know that.