Toad (and other earlier versions)
There's a very annoying bug when working on single file packages split into spec and body, when "Prompt For Reload On Activation If Timestamp Has Changed" option is enabled.
Steps to Reproduce:
- "Prompt For Reload On Activation If Timestamp Has Changed" option enabled
- Open a single file package in the editor and elect to split spec and body into separate tabs
Either :
- Edit something in the Package Body tab and click "Save"
- Switch to Package Spec tab, you receive a "Filename has been modified, reload from disk?" dialog.
- Edit something in the Package Spec tab and click "Save"
- Switch to Package Body and then back to Spec tab, you receive a "Filename has been modified, reload from disk?" dialog.
It means you pretty much have to switch off the useful "Prompt For Reload On Activation If Timestamp Has Changed" if working on single file packages that are split.