Strange (non-fatal!) message connecting to any database, specifically on orancrypt19.dll

Hi, production and beta (latest, and prior) exhibit this error when connecting to a database (all 19, with October CPU):
The module ’orancrypt19.dir was loaded but the entry-point DIIRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that ’orancrypt19.dir is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.

I can continue to log in. I checked with Oracle. The CPU downloaded the zip file 1.x GB) (for Windows x64) had the same SHA1 value they provided - but a different value when calculating for SHA256.
Trying to re-register the dll brought up another error:
The module 'orancds19.dll' was loaded but the entry-point DIIRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that ’orancds19.dir is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.

Using certutil, the SHA1 for this specific dll is:4bd3c4439e6273e986648d81d2b662756479a770
SHA256 is 017e3dd116785199646746e2bd76de97804ff0072fdf50e6f803d21b646291c7

So, nothing broken apparent, but is this more with Oracle than Toad?

The only way that I know of that this could be a Toad issue is if you

  1. Make a connection in Toad with using an Oracle client
  2. Disconnect but don't close Toad
  3. Connect with a different Oracle client

Sometimes if you want to switch from one client to another in Toad, you need to close Toad first, because the Oracle client DLL's don't always unload cleanly and cause "entry point not found" type errors errors when attempting to switch from one to another. I am not sure why.

Not all my connections have a default Oracle client selected. Perhaps making that may help. Let's see how that goes.
Quick test: by toggling from no client to OracleClient19 to OracleHome19 the first database connection no long produces the error. I also, in all of this, did both disconnect and also just closed without disconnect. Looks promising so far.
