Hi, production and beta (latest, and prior) exhibit this error when connecting to a database (all 19, with October CPU):
The module ’orancrypt19.dir was loaded but the entry-point DIIRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that ’orancrypt19.dir is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.
I can continue to log in. I checked with Oracle. The CPU downloaded the zip file 1.x GB) (for Windows x64) had the same SHA1 value they provided - but a different value when calculating for SHA256.
Trying to re-register the dll brought up another error:
The module 'orancds19.dll' was loaded but the entry-point DIIRegisterServer was not found.
Make sure that ’orancds19.dir is a valid DLL or OCX file and then try again.
Using certutil, the SHA1 for this specific dll is:4bd3c4439e6273e986648d81d2b662756479a770
SHA256 is 017e3dd116785199646746e2bd76de97804ff0072fdf50e6f803d21b646291c7
So, nothing broken apparent, but is this more with Oracle than Toad?