I’m happy to inform you that Toad Data Modeler version 3.5.10 has been released.
The new version is bringing great new features and more than one hundred resolved issues - mainly enhancements!
New Features and Main Enhancements
- Support on Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit and 7 64-bit operating system
- Support for DB 2 LUW 9.7
- Support for PostgreSQL 8.4
- Templates
- Application Variables
- New Object Viewer
- Naming Conventions Valid Characters
- Default Values for objects
- Macros - visual components for creation of macros, macros available in pop-up menu, macros and scripting functionality, new sample macros Infer Relationship and Alphabetic Autolayout
Other Enhancements in
- Reverse Engineering Wizard
- DDL/SQL Script Generation
- Sync&Convert Wizard
- Alter Script Generation
- LIVE Reverse Engineering
- Model Conversion
- RTF/PDF Reports
- Lots of GUI improvements
- for DB2, MySQL and Oracle databases
Let us invite you to watch new flash movies showing the new features and enhancements.
Documentation & Movies
Please read the New In This Release document to learn about details on the new features and resolved issues.
Watch new movies at:
Tip: Sort the movies by Title - Descending Order (see the new movies 42 - 47).
Other documentation updated - User Guide.pdf, System Requirements etc.:
You can download Toad Data Modeler 3.5.10 from:
or via the Quest support website:
(section Downloads & Updates for Toad Data Modeler)
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write us via the Modeling community forum.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Enjoy TDM 3.5.10!
Vladka + TDM Team