Toad Intelligence Central - Publishing Error

When publishing an object getting the below error:

'You may not have permission to drop this object'

Would be good to know the steps that led up to this message.

Guessing here that you downloaded the automation from TIC, made some changes and then want to re-publish? If so, and the script is owned by another user, then the message makes sense, as TIC will want to drop the existing automation script and replace with the new one.

Can you publish your script to TIC with a different name?

I am able to re-publish no matter who the previous owner was and have been doing it for years.This aother user that is getting the error is a new TIC user. Is there a privilege that needs to be set to allow the re-publishing.?

Are the steps to get the error message reproducible? If so, then I'd suggest opening a Support ticket so that Quest engineers can get to the bottom of this.

I have opened a support ticket. Will see what becomes of it.

Let the forum know what the resolution is, if you think it will help others with a similar issue!

Sure. Can I search this forum and loomfor this issue?

Yes, but I didn't see anything related, although that shouldn't stop you from trying... Several things you can do...

  1. Search this (TIC) forum (there is a search tool bar button at the top of the forums)
  2. Search the TDP forum on ToadWorld
  3. Search the TIC Support Knowledge Base on Quest's Support site


We received a feature request from a customer, asking to retain log files when republishing automation scripts or workbooks in the 6.1.2 version. It appears that we overlooked some use cases.

It's likely that you installed TDP 6.1.2 for the new user, while TIC remained in an older version. However, this issue may affect anyone who updates TDP without updating TIC.

A potential workaround could be to manually drop the script before republishing it.

The issue in question has been thoroughly dealt with and resolved in the latest release. You'll find the specifics in the official Release Notes under the "Resolved Issues and Enhancements" section: