Good afternoon TOAD team,
This happens in production versions 16.0 and 16.1, too. I think TOAD remembers old network paths that no longer exist, but I have no idea how to tell TOAD to forget them.
Pretty simple to recreate here, I connect to a database, any database; the open the Editor in TOAD. If I pick a previously opened file, TOAD is fast, otherwise expect a 24 minute pause for the window to open , when I press open file (CTRL + O). Edit the file and press save as, expect 24 minute delay again.
Now I'm paid by the hour with our government tax dollars, so I should not complain, but this used to be instantaneous to open a file and save-as, too.
Hi Larry,
Does this happen because you open the dialog, and use some network location, but later when you use the dialog again, and the network location is no longer available, that's when it hangs?
These are standard windows dialogs that we are using. I wonder if there is a windows setting somewhere on network timeouts. 24 minutes - ouch!
Good afternoon, John,
In short, no. I lost rights months ago; the data has been moved.
Months ago, operations migrated the enterprise network shared drives to the cloud. For a decade I connected to \eta-940-01\shared..., but that server is shutdown. Now I connect to S:..., as I could before, but I have no idea how to connect by the path which I still have old path memorized.
I have favorites that still specify the full path, \eta-940-01\shared..., and will fail. Maybe I need to bite the bullet and do a clean TOAD. I have older TOAD not removed yet I can practice on.
All drives are successfully connected, just ancient history is missing.
Yes, I need to write down what I was doing, I cannot remember for 24 minutes.
Try this:
Shut down Toad
open Toad.ini with notepad
Search for the offending path and remove any lines in Toad.ini that have it. Toad will re-add with new values as needed.
Save Toad.ini and try again in Toad.
Good afternoon, John,
Thank you! That knocked 20 minutes off the wait; just 4 minutes to see the file browse.
On the side I opened my TOAD 15.1 and under Utilities, Copy User Settings, Reset to a clean set of user files. After reset I am back to square 1, but browse is instantaneous.
TOAD 16.0 and 16.2 have not been reset, yet.
4 minutes is still pretty painful.
Why so slow? Is it still opening to the network path, but using the mapped drive?
if you open 15.1 to the same location, is it just as slow?
Also, after the reset, I assume you know how to copy certain settings back so you aren't at square 1. If not, see this post.
For version 17.0, we're going to have an option in the "Reset user files" window to preserve connections and a few other key settings when you do a reset.
Good afternoon John,
Import saved settings and the slowness returns in full force. I can deal with a fresh start and copying my settings from another TOAD copy. One saved query at a time. I may retire before finishing.

Well, if you import all saved settings, I would expect the problem to return.
Try this:
Reset User Files
If you had "save passwords" set, start Toad and turn on that setting, then close Toad again.
Copy across connections.XML from old user files
Copy across the "Databases" folder from old user files
If there are other settings that you'd like to preserve but aren't sure which file(s) to copy across to get them, let me know.
Good afternoon John,
I have many Named Filters and Queries. Can I restore saved filters and Queries without bringing back the slowness? How? Additionally I have a large selection of Favorites, can these be restored, too?
I know how to restore the saved connections.

The "Databases" Folder contains the filters, queries, and favorites. I don't think It contains any path references, so should not bring back any slowness.
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