I am currently using Toad 11.5 DBA Suite and trying to use the automation designer to execute scripts and then send via email.
I was able to successfully send a test email after applying the email settings in the toad options area. The SMTP server does require a password and it is saved in there.
However, when trying to send email from the automation designer it fails and I am getting the following error message:
161 STMP protocol error. 550 relaying not allowed.
In the email1 properties it is picking up the smtp server and port from the email settings. Shouldn’t it also pick up the password that the SMTP requires.
I am putting below my test email showing that the email setting section is indeed configured correctly.
Any suggestions???
-----Original Message-----
From: TOAD [mailto:rmartes@binderandbinder.com]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 8:40 AM
To: Richard Martes (binderandbinder)
Subject: Test mail from TOAD
Importance: High Ribbit! This test mail was sent at 5/4/2012 8:40:17 AM. - TOAD