Can't initialize OCI. Error -1

Good Afternoon TOAD team,

 I only find the subject error, **Can't initialize OCI. Error -1**, in the beta version; it has been annoying me for months, but I'm finally ready to ask for help.

 This is recreatable if I connect to a schema other than ETADB3 first, then when I attempt to connect to ETADB3 I get the subject error which takes me to []( which does not talk about this error, just other errors.  

 If I connect to ETADB3 first: I do not see the error, even after connecting to other databases and then connecting again to ETADB3.  The error happens for any user and as quick connect or from the connection dialogue.  My TNSnames.ora file is attached.

 If I use the Oracle 11g client the error does not occur; this is an Oracle 12c client only issue.  Most of the databases I use are Oracle 11G.

Larry Wickliffe

Performance and Tuning Services Lead, Performance Management Branch

Office of Information Systems and Technology (OIST)

Employment and Training Administration (ETA). US Department of Labor 202-693-3485

Can you connect via SQL*Plus with your 12 client? Is your 12 client the same “bits” as your Toad for Oracle? If you have 32 bit Toad, you need the 32 bit client. 64 bit Toad requires a 64 bit client.

Can you send your support bundle as well?

From: wickliffe.larry []

Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 1:40 PM


Subject: [Toad for Oracle - Beta Discussion Forum] Can’t initialize OCI. Error -1

Can’t initialize OCI. Error -1

Thread created by wickliffe.larry

Good Afternoon TOAD team,

I only find the subject error, **Can't initialize OCI. Error -1**, in the beta version; it has been annoying me for months, but I'm finally ready to ask for help.

This is recreatable if I connect to a schema other than ETADB3 first, then when I attempt to connect to ETADB3 I get the subject error which takes me to [](

which does not talk about this error, just other errors.

 If I connect to ETADB3 first: I do not see the error, even after connecting to other databases and then connecting again to ETADB3.  The error happens for any user and as quick connect or from the connection dialogue.  My TNSnames.ora file is attached.

If I use the Oracle 11g client the error does not occur; this is an Oracle 12c client only issue.  Most of the databases I use are Oracle 11G.

Larry Wickliffe

Performance and Tuning Services Lead, Performance Management Branch

Office of Information Systems and Technology (OIST)

Employment and Training Administration (ETA). US Department of Labor : 202-693-3485



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Does the problem occur only when you make a connection in Toad with one Oracle client, then disconnect, then make a connection with the other? If so, close Toad and restart it before you make a connection with a different Oracle client. Sometimes those Oracle Client DLL’s don’t unload from memory cleanly.

Good Afternoon John,

 Yes.  Not that I tried that until your question.  In the Oracle 12c SQL+,  I can connect to warehouse and then connect to ETADB3.

 Sorry, on my first round I left out the first error message, shown as images in the attached:

Toad.exe - Entry Point Not Found

X The procedure entry point ons_init_wconfig_ctx could not be located in the dynamic link library oraons.dll.

Can’t initialize OCI. Error -1_ETADB3 not first.docx (107 KB)

Good Afternoon Gregory,

 I'm using 64-bit TOAD Suite and 64-bit Oracle clients.  At an earlier time 32-bit TOAD and Oracle were in use on this workstation, but they have been uninstalled.

 I can connect in TOAD and in SQL Plus to ETADB3 and other databases.  The wierd issue is TOAD fails to connect to ETADB3 if I did not connect there first.  SQL Plus does not care, it connects every time, even if ETADB3 was not the first connection.

 The support bundle is attached.


Can’t initialize OCI. Error -1_ETADB3 not first._Support Bundle.txt (156 KB)

SQL*Plus doesn’t change Oracle clients when you change connections. Is there some reason why you have an 11g and a 12c client? If not, I’d suggest removing the 11g client and just use the 12c client. It will work just fine on all databases 10gR2 and newer.

Good Morning John,

    I need the 11g client to talk to our one remaining 9i database, don't ask.  Otherwise I'd dump it in a heartbeat.  

    I tried a workstation with only the Oracle 12c client; TOAD beta connects correctly.  I can connect to warehouse and then to ETADB3 without issue.  I'll call this a machine specific issue and resolved.  

    Thank you!
