
I make lots of use of the F4/Describe shortcut. Love it. In my 9.7 it would open
a new window to display the info. If I did anything to make that happen, I
don’t recall what it was. Nor can I find any mention of it in the 10.6
online help. I liked to drag that window to my second monitor for reference
while I worked in the MOE in my first monitor. Seems 10.6 just opens another tab
within the one Toad window.

How do I enable that feature in 10.6?

Thanks much,


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113



On the DESC window, click the ‘Stay on Top’ control – that
will make it a pop up window that you can drag to your 2nd monitor.

Ah, yes. I had turned that off. The Automation Designer popup kept coming up
behind it and I’d be stuck. The AD popup was waiting for my response and I
couldn’t “get there” to respond. I think now that I’ve
finally told AD, “Never again” I should be able to re-enable
“Stay on Top”.

If you can resolve who should be on top when, I’d be glad to have the AD
back again.

Thanks much,


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


do you mean this? If so, that’s more of a first time use window just letting
people know which operations in Toad were accomplished with a ‘Toad Action’ and
can therefore be recalled. Once people are aware that things like exporting
grids can be run over again via the AD’s Action Recall I wouldn’t think it would
be useful to keep using it. Having said that, I think I have an item in my ‘to
do’ stack somewhere requesting the ability to turn this back on again, since
right now once you dismiss it you can’t bring it back.

do you mean this? If so, that’s more of a first time use window just letting
people know which operations in Toad were accomplished with a ‘Toad Action’ and
can therefore be recalled. Once people are aware that things like exporting
grids can be run over again via the AD’s Action Recall I wouldn’t think it would
be useful to keep using it. Having said that, I think I have an item in my ‘to
do’ stack somewhere requesting the ability to turn this back on again, since
right now once you dismiss it you can’t bring it back.

I do mean that. J The problem is not that it pops up, but that it pops up behind
the “Stay on Top” window and thus I can’t get to it. I do not
relish having to restart Toad every time I do an action that the AD has not
recorded before.


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


I do mean that. J The problem is not that it pops up, but that it pops up behind
the “Stay on Top” window and thus I can’t get to it. I do not
relish having to restart Toad every time I do an action that the AD has not
recorded before.


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


I've set Describe windows to open "Stay on Top," perform an operation which uses
an Action, and the AD dialog opens on top of the Stay on Top Describe window,
where I can close it:

I’ve set Describe windows to open “Stay on Top,” perform an operation which uses
an Action, and the AD dialog opens on top of the Stay on Top Describe window,
where I can close it:

Hmmm …

Well thanks for looking into it.


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


Hmmm …

Well thanks for looking into it.


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


Oh dear, now that I’ve turned off “Stay on Top” I don’t
see a way to turn it back on. Am I blind or just narrow minded?


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


Oh dear, now that I’ve turned off “Stay on Top” I don’t
see a way to turn it back on. Am I blind or just narrow minded?


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113


there’s a “stay on top” checkbox on the dialog itself (not sure what version it
was introduced), and in Toad Options, go to Schema Browser > Describe windows,
and you’ll find it there also

It 10.6 it’s in Options -> Windows. There’s a dropdown for
“describe windows”.

It was moved to Options -> Schema Browser -> Describe Windows for Toad 11.

I think you’ve got me rolling again. Thanks much.


Daniel B Madvig
Computer Technologies

Northwestern College & Northwestern Media
3003 Snelling Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55113



I recently face same issue. The solution to restore f4 function is below.

1)Go to Tools >> Options >> Environment >> Keyboard>> select view Menu in right side >>Show Object Details (selected)

  1. Click on edit box "Assign keyboard shortcut" >> click F4 >> click Assign (enabled)

  2. current shortcut will also show F4.

4)click on Apply>>OK. Done
