This might p[rove useful to someone, it worked for me just now.
I had Toad open and I had the F4 (Describe) window open on screen. It covered quite a large proportion of the screen, but not all. I then put the cursor, in the editor, on another object name, and pressed F4. Toad Hung.
The problem was eventually found to be that I had not typed anything in Toad for too long, so the network/server/admin configured timeout kicked in and my connection was gone. The F4 request had failed with a "not connected " error dialogue which had popped up below the F4 dialogue. Until I acknowledged the error, I couldn’t do anything as all new windows open beneath the F4 dialogue. (That’s anything - Toad or otherwise!)
Long story short(ish), the steps to resolve this problem are:
Click Toad on the task bar
ALT-SPACE (activates the system menu on the hidden dialogue)
M (for move)
Use arrow keys to move the now displayed MOVE cursor to a space on screen that is not under the F4 dialogue.
Thread created by Norm [TeamT]
This might p[rove useful to someone, it worked for me just now.
I had Toad open and I had the F4 (Describe) window open on screen. It covered quite a large proportion of the screen, but not all. I then put the cursor, in the editor, on another object name, and pressed F4. Toad Hung.
The problem was eventually found to be that I had not typed anything in Toad for too long, so the network/server/admin configured timeout kicked in and my connection was gone. The F4 request had failed with a "not connected " error dialogue which had popped up below the F4 dialogue. Until I acknowledged the error, I couldn't do anything as all new windows open beneath the F4 dialogue. (That's anything - Toad or otherwise!)
Great stuff, Norm! Now where do I keep this info for when it happens to me 6 months from now...
When I’ve had that TOAD seems to lock everything up experience, I just make sure TOAD is the active window, then hit “Enter”. The correct hidden window absorbs the Enter and releases (Sometimes I have to hit Enter a couple of times.) Works, but this move-so-you-can-see-what-you’re-doing is way better. Thank you! And “Favorited”, too!
the ENTER thing didn’t work for me - even after battering my keyboard about two hundred times! Everything just seems hung. Clicking on the F4 dialogue to kill it couldn’t work because the hidden error dialogue beneath it had (allegedly) received the focus. Well, it may have received it, but it wasn’t doing much with it! [;)]
The ALT-SPACE thing works also when you had had a window open on another screen, but now you only have one screen, but the window is still showing “on the now missing screen”. Once you get it focused, ALT-SPACE, M then the arrow keys (as described previously) will bring that window back to somewhere visible too.
THANK YOU!!!!! I have been searching and searching in here for how to get the message window back on top so it's clickable and can be dismissed! ENTER did it. Most annoying thing ever. Constant playing of ding and unable to get the window on top finally solved. groan.