Over the holidays our 19c database has been upgraded to 23c. When I try to connect from Toad I now get the following error:
NET: Invalid input arguments
The Items Checked in the pop-up windows shows that the correct tnsnames.ora was located.
The link to the knowledge base provides no useful information.
I can still connect to any 19c database.
I can connect to the 23c database using sqlplus and sqlcl started in a command window on my Windows PC, which will both be using the same tnsnames.ora information.
Anyone any idea what this "NET: Invalid input arguments" message might actually be referring to?
I'm not sure. We have 23c databases here and there is no problem.
- Can you turn on spool SQL and show us the output?
- Which version of Toad are you using? If older than 17.0, does it help if you update to 17.0?
- Based on the error starting with "NET:", it seems like you are not using an Oracle client. If you install one (even an instant client), and use it does the problem go away?
I'm using Toad 17 (the latest version).
I've determined that if I check the "Connect using Oracle Client" checkbox and use the installed Instant Client - then I'm able to connect to a 23c database.
This isn't necessary for connecting to a 19c database!
As this checkbox can only be changed the very first time a connection is made after starting Toad, if I first connect to a 19c database, then I cannot then change the checkbox and connect to a 23c database without first re-starting toad.
Anyone know why 23c requires an Oracle Client to connect and 19c doesn't?
As this checkbox can only be changed the very first time a connection is made after starting Toad, if I first connect to a 19c database, then I cannot then change the checkbox and connect to a 23c database without first re-starting toad.
The "Connect using Oracle Client" checkbox is disabled when an active connection is present. So if you were to end all connections, then checkbox would become enabled.
I am able to connect to 23c databases without using an Oracle client. I am not sure why this doesn't work for you, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that your 23c database was upgraded and mine was a fresh install.
Please turn on Spool SQL, then attempt the connection and post the spool sql output here. Maybe that will reveal something.
Hi John, all I see when spooling sql is the following when I try to make a connection to a 23c database and do NOT check the "Connect using Oracle Client" checkbox:
Sorry, but I have to protect my clients privacy so have blacked out some of the details.
Of course - no problem on the blackouts. I don't need that info anyway. What you posted is helpful.
The error is coming from the database access components that we use in Toad. I have posted a message on that vendor's forum. Hopefully they will provide an answer in the coming days.
I have added some code the next Toad 17.1 Beta (to be released on January 8th, 2024) such that we will get a call stack from this error instead of handling it with Toad's "connection error" dialog. Then we can pinpoint exactly which line of code inside Toad is having the error.
Please install that beta and make the error happen. You can follow these steps to get the call stack and either post it here or send it to the support person who you opened the support case with. Then we should be able to identify and solve the problem.
Thank you
@JohnDorlon Unfortunately, I haven't got the required privileges to install software into the Remote Desktop provided by my client and I know from experience they will resist my requests to install a Beta version of Toad. It was hard work to persuade them to install Toad in the first place as I'm the only user and of course the Remote Desktop installation is shared by many users.
Is there any other way I can provide some additional information that might help?
Not really, no. But I'll add this code anyway and hopefully before long someone else will experience it. And/or maybe I'll get an answer from our 3rd party oracle connectivity component vendor.
I'll keep you posted. Leave your support case open. I've logged this in our internal bug tracking system.
I'm getting the same error, version 16. This just started out of the blue. Any fix?
We can't upgrade.
The error should go away if you install and use an Oracle client with Toad.
This has been fixed. See this post for the cause.