RDP scrolling performance

I'm connecting to a machine with RDP, and using Toad

Scrolling is performing really badly. It's difficult to scroll through a package because of the pauses and jumps. This is not a problem with other software like MS Word. Do you have any suggestions on changes to settings that might help mitigate this?

Hi Wendy,

Sorry I didn't reply to this sooner. For me, scrolling around in a package through RDP looks about the same as it does locally. I tried on a large package and really didn't see any lags.

Some of my RDP settings are below. I hope this helps.




Just checking back to say I'm still having this issue. Even more since I'm now full time remote. I've tried playing with the settings without luck. And the issue is only scrolling in Toad. Scrolling in Work, Excel, web pages, etc works fine.

In Toad, the scrolling is jumpy and slow with big pauses. It makes it very difficult when I'm trying to scroll thru big pl/sql packages. I can't smoothly move thru the code. The scrolling will hang, then suddenly move forward several hundred lines. Sometimes I have to copy the source into Notepad++ so I can read it.

Are you scrolling with scroll bar or mouse wheel or arrow keys? Do any of those perform better or worse than the others?

I'm scrolling with the mouse wheel. Scrolling by using the scroll bar is hopeless. I just tried the arrow keys and they are jerky also, maybe not as bad. I'll try more with them.

I see in your original post you were on version 14.1. Is that still correct?

I'm now on: Toad for Oracle Base (64-bit)
License will expire in 59 days

A few more questions:

  1. I assume you are in the Editor, not Schema Browser. Do you see the same lag if you go to Schema Browser -> Packages and scroll around there?

  2. If you right-click on the mini-map and uncheck "enable" does that help? (I don't expect this to solve it completely since you've had this problem before mini map existed, but unchecking this might help some).

It does seem to be a little better with minimap off. I'll try the schema browser

Same in the schema browser

I'm also setting my mouse to scroll the minimum number of lines

It might be the syntax highlighting. Right-click in the Editor and choose Plain Text from the Language/Syntax Highlighting submenu. Do things improve?

Hey Wendy -

Mike and I were chatting. He found this. We have no idea if it will help, but it's worth a try. Let us know. windows - Improve mouse input lag over Remote Desktop connection - Super User

Thanks! I'll take a look

I tried all the suggestions, including in the super user article. What seemed to help the most was turning off minimap--that seems to reduce the duration of the pauses, and reducing my scroll wheel to scroll 1 line at a time--so when I do get the pause/jump, it only jumps 10 lines instead of 100. The pause/jumps appear to happen about every 4 or 5 seconds when scrolling. Thanks for your help!

My money was on the syntax highlighting, but choosing Plain Text should have made a difference if it were the case. I don't expect this to change anything, but if you use Ctrl+End to go to the end of the text does scrolling work OK after this, or no?