I run the menu : Session / New Connection

"The 'Connect' and 'Close', SSH, SQLNET Editor and 'TNSNames Editor' buttons are not circled by default. However, after mouseover they become circled. I am in the 'Color Schemes' configuration 'Aqua Light Slate'."

Hi Thierry,
Thank you for reporting this. For me, these buttons look correct from the moment the window is shown. The screenshot below is from WIndows 11, but I also tried on Windows 10.
Does the problem persist if you restart Toad?
I am on Windows Server 2016.
I can reproduce that on 2016. I know what caused it, but unfortunately, it's too late to change that for Toad 17.0.
I'll log it in our bug tracking system so I can maybe resolve it for 17.1.