Toad for Oracle 2024 R2 Beta

Toad Beta Change Log

Toad Beta, Released 21-July-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Data Grids: Invalid filter values raised error instead of "nice" message
  • DBMS Output: ORA-02005 thrown with some Oracle clients
  • DB Health Check: Format error in check for items which cannot extend due to lack of room in tablespace
  • DB Health Scan: Check/Uncheck all does nothing
  • Editor: Edit command caused ORA-00904 if table named used as alias
  • Editor: Desktop layout incorrect after dragging tabs
  • Editor: Access violation after closing hex tab
  • Editor: FmtPlus.opt file sharing error due to too frequent file access
  • Editor: Code Insight not showing after subquery in FROM clause
  • Editor: Code Insight not showing join suggestions in subquery
  • Import Wizard: List Index out of Bounds if opening small parameter file
  • JDWP Debugger: Access violation when connection closed and breakpoint exists
  • Rebuild Multiple Objects; Field BYTES not found for partitioned tables
  • Schema Browser: Stray text remnants after disabling "Show PK" option for materialized views
  • Team Coding: Admin window disabled after TC Installation


  • SQL Firewall: Misc enhancements and bug fixes
  • Schema Browser: Custom queries and filters can now be stored globally by table name (Configurable in Options|Schema Browser|Data Tab)

Toad Beta, Released 15-July-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Create Constraint: Error on "move column down" if nothing selected
  • Editor: "New tab" icon colored wrong in dark mode with some tab styles
  • Formatting: Fmtplus.opt file sharing error when SQL formatted for internal use
  • Grid: Popup text editor saving files with uppercase TXT extension
  • Login Window: Grid reloading and jumping to wrong row after display of TNS Editor
  • Recover Documents: Access violation if grid filtered, then recover recent
  • Schema Browser: Error when selecting a file item in Favorites
  • Schema Browser: Wrong icon for disabled constraint


  • Compare Schemas: When types differ because one as been altered, we'll now use ALTER TYPE to alter the other if possible (rather than CREATE OR REPLACE, which fails if dependents exist)
  • Editor: Caret width is now configurable in Options|Editor|Display
  • Oracle 23ai: SQL Firewall window added under Administer menu (DB Admin module required)
  • Workspace: Added cancel button to stop the loading of a workspace

Toad Beta, Released 8-July-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Database Browser: Can't connect as externally authenticated user
  • Login Window: LDAP dropdown not loading after switch from client to no-client mode
  • Session Browser: Vertical splitter not retaining position when switching to other windows and back to SessB.
  • Team Coding: Get Last Version failed due to extension mismatch
  • Window Menu: Wrong window shown as active


  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for Tablespace Shrink functionality in Schema Browser

Toad Beta, Released 24-June-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Create Table: Window locks up when dragging from grid
  • Connections: Access violation if no Oracle clients present and login attempted with expired password
  • Data Grids: ANYDATA access violation
  • Editor: "Display full path as tab hints" stops working Link
  • Editor: Inline parameter assistance copy/paste bad behavior Link
  • Login window: "Invalid Oracle Home" when testing connections and no clients installed
  • Schema Compare: Evolved types not handled properly in sync script
  • Session Browser: Access violation when opening if "Format Statement" unchecked
  • Session Browser: Test Filter causes access violation
  • Single Record Viewer: Options dialog not opening
  • Single Object Compare: Sometimes missing SYNC script


  • Application Logging: Support bundle now automatically included
  • Connections: Added Connection Timeout setting (for when connection is being established or reconnected) Only available in no-client mode.
  • Master Detail Browser: Added "Current Schema" option to make MD files portable across different schemas with same tables Link
  • Schema Browser: Data tab filter now uses date format specified in options Link
  • Schema Browser: Display both Base and Log tables for materialized view logs Link
  • Session Browser: Rt-click: Styles added to main grid/tree

Toad Beta, Released 17-June-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Data Grids: Column headers not always wide enough on scaled displays
  • Session Browser: Access Violation when opened if "Format Statements" unchecked
  • Startup: If "Allow multiple copies of Toad" unchecked and 2nd Toad started with command line parameters, parameters not passed to 1st Toad
  • Startup: Toad not remembering display if closed while maximized


  • Application Logging: Support bundle now automatically included in Logs folder
  • Data Grids: Now crisp and sharp on scaled displays
  • Oracle 23ai: Respect Bigfile tablespace default
  • Oracle 23ai: ORA-41900 handled like ORA-00942
  • Project Manager: Filter added Link

Toad Beta, Released 10-June-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Automation Designer: Export Dataset actions erroneously throwing "Parameters out of sync" message Link
  • Editor: Grid not allowing edits if OCI Array Buffer Size set to Manual. Link
  • Main Form: Size/Position not always restored correctly Link
  • Session Browser: RHS refresh delay is annoying Link


  • Editor: Added ability to fold all regions at any level Link
  • Editor: Added some "copy to clipboard" options for Explain Plan Link
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for Logical Partition Tracking. Note, this requires the READ privilege on the table SYS.TABLOGICPART$. Hopefully Oracle will give us some standard USER/ALL/DBA views for this data soon.
  • Oracle 23ai: Added ability to open pluggable databases in Hybrid Read Only mode
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for hybrid partitioned tables with interval and auto list partitioning
  • Oracle 23ai: Added ability to rename LOBs w/o moving them
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for concurrent refreshes in MVs
  • utPLSQL: Version now supported

Toad Beta, Released 3-June-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Alter Unified Audit Policy: "Disable" not working
  • Add/Edit Login: TNS dropdown not loaded unless TNS_ADMIN specified Link
  • Blob Viewer: Viewing PNG data as PDF caused Toad to freeze Link
  • Compare Databases: Revoke Role above the comment for that role Link
  • Export DDL: Not Null constraints missing from script for object tables
  • Misc Internal SQL: Not always using SYS. with data dictionary view names
  • Schema Browser: SQL error when listing DOMAINS


  • Compare Databases: Added preview panel
  • Manage User Settings: Added ability to restore individual settings from backup
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for read only users
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for enable/disable dictionary protection
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for individual columns in Unified Audit Policies
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for VECTOR datatypes
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for VECTOR indexes
  • Oracle 23ai: Added support for staging tables
  • Schema Browser: Added option to adjust node heights Link
  • Team Coding: Added "Locked by" field in SB RHS and Editor
  • Team Coding: Added option to use OS User or login schema as lock user Link

Toad Beta Released 28-May-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Error on startup if color themes enabled

Toad Beta Released 28-May-2024

Bug Fixes

  • Code Analysis: Access violation if window closed too quickly
  • Editor: Errors thrown if attempting to step into Java Source while debugging with JDWP
  • Export DDL: private synonyms excluded when getting script for multiple users
  • Export DDL: Object Table Substitution clause left out of table scripts
  • Schema Browser: SQL error when clicking system tablespace
  • Session Browser: Blinks on refresh
  • Workspaces: Describe Objects window focused after loading workspace


  • New version numbering system: Year.Release.Build.Internal
  • Database Compare: Added preview panel for differences
  • Manage User Settings: Added ability to recover specific items from backup
  • Schema Browser: Added icons to indicate Unified Audit Policy enablement Link
  • Schema Browser: Added ability to enable/disable Unified Audit Policies Link
  • Single Record View: Table name is now displayed when launched from Editor Link

The change log for Toad version 17.1 is here